Volet 1-Counseling en nutrition sociale (Méthode Higgins) Volet 2-Nourrir la vie
The Volet 1-Counseling en nutrition sociale (Méthode Higgins) Volet 2-Nourrir la vie is conveniently located at the following address:
Dispensaire Diététique de Montréal
2182, avenue Lincoln
Montréal, QUEBEC
H3H 1J3
For more information please contact the following individual:
Julie Paquette
Telephone: (514) 213-6879
Fax: Not Available
Email: jpaquette@dispensaire.ca
Website: http://www.dispensaire.ca http://wwww&peri
Population Served
- Immigrant/Newcomers
- Isolated
- Low Income
- Rural/Remote
- Teen Pregnancy/Parent
- Urban
- Breastfeeding
- Collective food preparation and/or purchasing
- Family and social support
- Food/Vitamin supplements or vouchers
- Nutrition consultation/education & Prenatal Nutrition
- Pre/postnatal information/support