Moi et ma famille,
The Moi et ma famille, is conveniently located at the following address:
Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux du Nord-de-Iîle-de Montréal
11822, avenue du Bois-de-Boulogne
Montréal, QUEBEC
H3M 2X6
For more information please contact the following individual:
Sylvie Guibert
Telephone: (514) -
Fax: (514) -
Website: Not Available
Population Served
- Low Income
- Teen Pregnancy/Parent
- Childcare services
- Collective food preparation and/or purchasing
- Drop-in activities
- Family and social support
- Father Involvement
- Nutrition consultation/education & Prenatal Nutrition
- Pre/postnatal information/support