Les enfants en sante, notre priorite

The Les enfants en sante, notre priorite is conveniently located at the following address:

Centre intégré de santé et des services sociaux des Laurentides
430, rue Labelle
Saint-Jérôme, QUEBEC
J7Z 5L3

For more information please contact the following individual:

Claire Godin
Telephone: (450) 433-2777
Fax: (450) 430-8031
Email: claire.godin@cdsi.org
.gc.ca New Window

Population Served

  • Low Income
  • Single Parents
  • Teen Pregnancy/Parent


  • Collective food preparation and/or purchasing
  • Healthy weight gain
  • Nutrition consultation/education & Prenatal Nutrition
  • Pre/postnatal information/support
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